Permission to let go.


Kaisu Maijala, a forest bathing instructor, is an expert in nature well-being

Stressed, tired? Does the handset stick to your hand? Do you miss stopping and resetting?

Let's go to the forest together.

Pressure of work, digital and internet hustle, rush, stress. Overwork, under-recovery, lack of concentration, sleep problems, feelings of inadequacy - in the worst cases burnout and illness.

Modern life is putting unprecedented strain on us. At the same time, we spend far too little time in nature.

The forest is the perfect place to start a break from the rush. There is a balance between rest and activity. The forest balances us too, if we dare pause.

I am wilderness and nature guide, forest bathing instructor and nature well-being expert Kaisu Maijala. I will take you to the forest to recover and find more peace, presence, joy, pleasure, authenticity, compassion, creativity, gratitude, connection and meaning in your life.

Welcome to the SOWL Forest Bath to reset!

The forest comforts, soothes, nurtures, recharges, refreshes, enchants, renews and restores perspective.

There is wisdom in the old trees of the forest. Silent and still but strong, they continue to grow, from storm to deep, from scorching to frost. They have a presence that soothes. On their heed we too can lay our burdens, as generations before us have done.

The trees are patiently waiting to welcome you - just as you are.

The forest does not make demands or measure us.
The forest accepts and gives you permission to stop.

Humans have known the healing effects of nature in different cultures for thousands of years. In recent years, these mechanisms have begun to be understood more scientifically.

Evidence-based health and well-being benefits of nature*

    • stress is relieved

    • activation of the resting (parasymphatetic) nervous system, triggering the recovery reaction

    • heart rate slows down, heart rate variability improves

    • blood pressure decreases

    • sensory sensitisation

    • reduced feeling of fatigue

    • activated digestion

    • aromatic compounds (monoterpenes) from trees and plants that are volatile, have mood enhancing, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immune boosting properties.

    • clean air is refreshing

    • diversification of the body's microbiota and thereby strengthened immunity, leading to reduced risk of immune-mediated diseases (allergies, asthma, diabetes etc.)

    • increased number and activity of white blood cells (so-called natural killer cells), increased cancer cell –killing proteins

    • low-grade inflammation is reduced

    • the pain threshold rises

    • exercise feels less strenuous compared with non-nature environment

    • improved sleep quality

    • relaxation

    • presence in the present moment

    • reduction of negative thoughts and worrying

    • reduction of anxiety and tension

    • increased positive emotions, happiness and optimism

    • easier to reflect on your own life

    • resilience, i.e. mental coping is strengthened

    • cognitive recovery:
      - thoughts become clearer
      - ability to concentrate is restored
      - learning and memory improve
      - problem solving and decision-making become easier
      - creativity and intuition increase

    • experiences of meaningfulness and life satisfaction

    • pleasure and a sense of vitality

    • increased self-esteem and self-compassion

    • healthier attitude towards time

    • harmony

    • experience of being nourished and enriched

    • experiences of awe, the sublime and the sacred

    • experience of the interconnectedness and unity of all that exists

    • easier to see yourself and others in a positive light

    • increased willingness to cooperate and help

    • increased listening, empathy and openness

    • increased courage and playfulness

    • emotional sensitivity is heightened

    • less disruptive behaviour

    • decreased feelings of isolation and loneliness

    • team spirit is strengthened

*Arvonen, S. (2014). Forest Mind. A natural method for wellbeing. 2nd edition. Metsäkustannus Oy.

*Leppänen, M., Pajunen, A. (2017). Health Forest. Identify and experience regenerating nature. Gummerus Kustannus Oy, Helsinki.

*Leppänen, M., Pajunen, A. (2019). Finnish forest bathing. Gummerus Kustannus Oy, Helsinki. 

*Qing, Li (2018). Forest Bathing. The Japanese art and science of shinrin-yoku. How trees can help you find health and happiness. 7th printing. Viking, New York.



Lower cortisol levels in the natural environment

In a US study, the stress hormone cortisol's levels were found to decrease most in the wild within the first 20-30 minutes (18.5%/h). The decrease in cortisol continued after this time (11.8%/h). Hunter, M. R., Gillespie, B. W., & Chen, S. Y. P. (2019), "Urban nature experiences reduce stress in the context of daily life based on salivary biomarkers". Frontiers in psychology, 722.

What Is Forest Bathing?

The method forest bathing (shinrin-yoku) originated in Japan, where the wellbeing effects of nature began to be studied in the 1980s as a solution to the stresses and strains of working people in big cities burnout. Forest bathing means spending time in nature without rushing and using the therapeutic effects of the forest through all the senses.

Forest bathing is a time to relax, spend time in silence and breathe in the beneficial aromatic compounds of the forest air. The guided forest bathing also includes mindfulness, breathing and observation exercises to help you focus on the moment and forget the stresses of everyday life. Forest bathing combines scientific knowledge, physical and psychological recovery, connection with nature, experiential experience and often a deep sense of wholeness and coming home.

At SOWL Forest Seeding, we slow down and enhance nature's natural health benefits through guided mindfulness activities .

The forest is calling you when you need to pause, get some distance and recharge.

Woodcutter in the forest

The forest is calling you when you need rest and a meaningful shared experience.

The sun shines on the moss in the forest

How did it feel?
Did your mind go into the woods already?

What is SOWL?

SOUL - an invitation to listen to your inner self.

SLOW - a call to slow down and stop.

OWL - an invitation to listen to the ancient wisdom of nature.

From these, SOWL (pronounced "soul") is born.

SOWL is about slowing down wisely, allowing yourself to rest, listening to what nature teaches you, getting back in touch with your body, gaining new insights and perspectives from a new state of relaxation and peace, and appreciating the wonder of life here and now.

SOWL Forest bathing is your very own time for youwhen you want to take better care of yourself and aim for a less stressful, simpler and less performance-oriented life.

During the hike, you will stop with permission not only at nature, but also at yourself and your needs. You get permission to let go of the demands of everyday life for a moment and enter a technology-free zone, a forest space.

Forest bathing restores your vitality and offers insights into yourself as part of nature, as well as skills for being present. The experience is unique for everyone and slightly different each time, depending on where you are on your path.

When you go home, you can expect to be

  • more serene

  • more calm

  • more free

  • more relaxed

  • more present

  • more grateful

  • lightened

  • renewed

For work communities and groups The SOWL Forest Bath is a stress-relieving and calming experience that helps you get to the essence. It can be used as part of a day of therapy/training, recreation, team building, training or meetings.

A time in the woods with a group is a welcome counterbalance to the pressures of information, distance and interpersonal work. A reset in the woods is also a creative "hard-drive primer" before planning and brainstorming a new idea. As a wise man once said, "Movement begins at rest."

Also available:

Lecture on the well-being effects of nature

– Personal Nature Well-Being Plans

Contact us for a quote and we will design the best package for you!

In SOWL Forest Bathing you have

permission to let go.

  • the rush

  • worries

  • from the to-do lists

  • pressure

  • efficiency

  • responsibility

  • checking your phone

  • the past and the future

  • roles and expectations

  • control and strength

  • a feeling of inadequacy

- about everything. To be free.

"Kaisu's absolute strength is her calmness and presence. She is very well versed in the wellbeing effects of nature and has a knack for stopping people at the basics. Kaisu is very good at explaining things in an understandable and interesting way. Her own strong connection with nature comes across to clients in an empowering way."

- Elisa, 43, Helsinki

Nature is constantly teaching me new things about myself and the world. In my blog you can read about my experiences in nature in Finland and around the world.

  • SOWL acts responsibly to protect both nature's and human well-being.

    SOWL is an official partner of Metsähallitus (Finnish Forestry Administration). The excursions comply with Metsähallitus' Outdoor Etiquette and litter-free policy.

    The products used on the trips are sustainable and have a minimal impact on the environment. The excursions take place close to the natural sites of the metropolitan area.

    A safety and rescue plan has been drawn up for each excursion. The guide has up-to-date first aid training (NOLS Wilderness First Aid, 04/2024) and carries first aid equipment.

    The excursions are a non-discriminatory zone.

    To reduce emissions, we recommend cycling, public transport or carpooling to excursion sites.

    We support local industries and entrepreneurship in our procurement.

    SOWL has been awarded the Your Local Guide to
    Sustainable Helsinki label by the City of Helsinki. We are on Visit Finland's Sustainable Travel Finland (STF) certification path.

    SOWL is Visit Espoo's Sustainable Development Network partner.

  • The state of Finland's forests is alarming, both in terms of declining carbon sinks, the scarcity of old natural forests and accelerating species loss.

    SOWL donates 1% of its income to the Natural Heritage Foundation's Finnish Forest campaign. The aim of the fundraising is to raise funds to establish a new nature reserve in southern Finland (primarily in Uusimaa), where there is the least protected forest and where protected areas are most needed.

    Read more about the project and donate:

"Kaisu was knowledgeable and exuded respect for nature."

- Jussi, 37, Helsinki